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„To Him, whom we served as priests“

Adjunct Eduard Müller to Bishop Berning

Hamburg, 10th of November, 1943

Most Reverend Lord,

It gives me great pleasure to be able to write a few lines to you in this, my last hour. Whole-heartedly, I thank you first of all for the greatest gift which you gave me as a successor of the apostles, when you placed you hands on me and ordained me as God’s priest. Accept my gratitude for this great, holy gift.

However, my gratitude and thanks also for you sincere prayers loyal help during my almost 1½ year long imprisonment. Hopefully, I shall be able to repay you sufficiently from on high. Please, do not exclude me when celebrating the Eucharist. For nigh on two years I was allowed to help build God’s Kingdom in your diocese. And if I am permitted to stand before God’s throne, I shall, even there, help in the building of His Kingdom in our beloved fatherland and especially your diocese.

But now, Most Reverend Lord, farewell. Give my regards especially to Mr. Regens Keller, and Dompastor Gartmann, as well as Mr. Ellermann.

But now we must embark upon this – in human terms difficult- final walk, which is to lead us to Him, whom we served as priests. One last time, many thanks for everything.

In the Love of Christ, Most Reverend Lord, accept these heartfelt greetings.

Your priest Eduard Müller


English Translation: Hans-Heinrich Boeker, Wyoming, Australia 


Eduard Müller with a soutane